
Not that I have a before picture of our attached garage, but I’ll paint you a picture. The garage had a narrow little pathway to walk through because well we were running out of room to put stuff so it was just unload it into the garage so we can get the next load. Yeah […]

What In The Bleepity Bleep Bleep?

Today, rather than head over to the old house and pack up stuff and lug it over to the new house I decided to stay at the new house and start putting stuff away.  CDs, DVDs, and video games have found a home. The records are another story. Not sure what we will be doing […]

Bed Risers

Our house in Wyoming had tons of closet space, and when say tons I mean tons. I can say that we had more closet square footage then most people’s master suite has. And, that’s not counting the closet in the addition. So, anyway with the closet space we had in Wyoming it was never a […]

Coming Along

The house is slowly coming along. Not nearly as quickly as I’d like, but it’s coming along. Today’s project and much of tomorrow’s I’m sure will be figuring out this living room situation we have here. The entertainment center should be set up by the time we go to bed tonight and then tomorrow it’ll […]