5am Insanity!

Today my alarm went off at 4:15am.  Ughhhhh, way too early, but it was totally worth it.  I’ve been scouting the local gyms and trying to find the one that will be the best fit for me, unfortunately I won’t be joining any until after my brother’s wedding.  Being that I am going to be in NY just as much as I am going to be here in Wyoming I thought it best to wait to pay the monthly fee until I am actually here for an entire month.  I have pretty much narrowed it down to 2 gyms, and after this morning I may have made my choice.

One of the local gyms had a Facebook offer for 1 free class.  So I sent the offer along to Sarah, who was my partner in complete sweatiness this morning.  We met up at the gym to do a little Insanity Live.  That’s right 5am class and it’s Insanity.  I’ve done Insanity in the past, and it works, within 2 weeks of doing it I noticed a huge change, heck after this morning I think my butt and legs are bit firmer then they were before the class.  It was great, and I had fun, of course I was exhausted afterwards but hey, I made it through.  I think that I will be making another visit to the class.

I love classes, it gives me a reason to go, and I work a lot harder when there are other people watching me.  Lifting weights just isn’t my thing and I know that I am going to half ass it, so classes are where it’s at for me.

I loved the fact that by 7am I was at 50% of my total activity points challenge, and maybe I’ll start getting up earlier to workout.  Notice, the maybe in that previous sentence.

I was supposed to do a training run, but that hasn’t happened due to the fact that my legs feel like Jello and are sore, so the run I’ll do tomorrow, and maybe even an evening walk with the husband, since he called and said he’s on his way home.

Happy Friday!

2 thoughts on “5am Insanity!

  1. It was a tough class but I’m glad we did it! It’s almost midnight and I can’t believe I’m still awake! I will definitely be sleeping past 5am tomorrow. Thanks again!

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