
I’m sitting at home just finished up doing my nails, while watching Grays Anatomy and get a phone call from a local number, so I answered it. 

It was from a woman saying she has a paper with my name, email, phone, address, and social security number on it. She was calling to tell me about it and that she was ripping it up but wanted me to know that she found this paper in her house. What!!!!

It would make a little sense if it was found in the house we had rented but no. It was in a house across the water. A city that I don’t go to. So how it got there is beyond me. And, oh it’s from 2012. The weirdest thing ever. Glad it was found by someone honest, but still this is a big WTF moment and a how in the hell did that happen. Because, not only is it a how did it get to there and oh yeah the piece of paper also would of had to go through at least 2 moves in order for it to get here. 

Something to ponder and wonder about. 

And, on a happier note here’s my latest nails 

 Bring on St Patty’s Day!

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